How to protect yourself from psychic attacks

Protecting Yourself Psychically Through the Universal Law of Oneness

In the spiritual realm, protection isn't about building walls or creating barriers—it's about understanding our deep connection to the universe and all beings within it. The Universal Law of Oneness reminds us that everything in existence is interconnected. There is no true separation between you, the people around you, and the energetic forces that guide our world. Understanding this principle is the foundation of psychic protection, as it shifts your focus from fear and isolation to love and unity.

Psychic protection is less about defense and more about alignment. When you acknowledge that all energies are part of a greater whole, you can work in harmony with the vibrations around you rather than fighting against them. The key to psychic safety lies in raising your vibration, so you resonate at a higher frequency. At this level, lower, disruptive energies naturally fall away. They can't harm you when you are rooted in your divine connection.

Aligning with Oneness for Psychic Protection

  1. Embrace Your Divine Connection: Begin by affirming your unity with the higher power, source energy, or God. Recognize that your energy is an extension of the infinite divine, which is love in its purest form. By affirming this truth, you strengthen your connection to the universal force that flows through everything.
  2. Affirmation: “I am one with the universe, connected to the divine energy of love, light, and protection.”
  3. Ground Yourself in Love: The vibration of love is the highest and most protective force in the universe. When you surround yourself with love, you create an impenetrable energy field that naturally repels lower vibrations. Grounding yourself in love isn’t about pushing away negativity but rather expanding your energy so that only love and light can enter your space.
  4. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you in Gaia’s energy. Then, imagine a beam of golden light connecting you to the cosmos. This creates a flow of divine energy between the earth and the heavens, encompassing your entire being in a sphere of pure, loving light.
  5. Affirm Oneness in All Interactions: Psychic attacks or negative energies often stem from the illusion of separation—whether through fear, envy, or resentment. By affirming the oneness of all beings, you can defuse these energies. When you encounter challenging people or situations, remind yourself that they, too, are part of the whole. Their energy is simply vibrating at a different frequency.
  6. Instead of shielding yourself from them, extend compassion and light toward them. This doesn't mean accepting harmful behavior, but it does mean recognizing that their energy, like yours, originates from the same source. In doing so, you elevate both your frequency and theirs.
  7. Set Clear Energetic Boundaries: While oneness connects us all, it’s important to honor your personal energy. By setting healthy boundaries, you affirm your right to maintain your energetic integrity without closing yourself off from others. Visualize a radiant, golden light surrounding you—this isn’t a wall but a field of high vibration. Any energy that does not align with love and truth will naturally dissolve when it meets your field.
  8. Call on Universal Support: Since we are all connected, you are never alone in your spiritual journey. Your guides, ancestors, and higher beings are always nearby, ready to assist. Call on them for protection, knowing they are part of your spiritual family, intertwined with your own energy.
  9. When you call upon this assistance, you reaffirm the universal law of oneness, recognizing that divine support is simply another expression of your own connectedness to all that is.

Living in Oneness is Your True Protection

Psychic protection, when viewed through the lens of the Law of Oneness, is a gentle, powerful practice of aligning with higher frequencies. It reminds us that separation is an illusion. When we live in alignment with love, understanding, and unity, no lower energy can truly affect us. Instead of focusing on shielding yourself from outside forces, focus on expanding your light and harmonizing with the universe. When you embrace your oneness with all, you become an unshakeable force of divine protection, effortlessly reflecting the highest vibration of love to all around you.

Love & heaaling,
